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Bourgeois Baby is taking a today’s blog to share a belated Thanksgiving greeting from Vera and Brayden. This was technically their second Thanksgiving, but their first for being able to eat the turkey. We hope you all had a great holiday!                    

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Mompreneur. It’s a funny sounding word but it is exactly what it means. Moms who are entrepreneurs- they are founding mom-, family-, and kid-centric product and service based businesses. We first stumbled upon this “new” word during the early stages of Bourgeois Baby’s development. You may be familiar with the word via TV or the internet. Some have even touted their wares on the ABC TV show The Sharks (did you see the Lollacup? Mompreneur Hanna Lim is an inspiration to other mompreneurs- a great product and it’s made in the USA!). It’s actually not that hard to find mom-owned...

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Utter the word “handmade” or “handcrafted” and many will envision Great Aunt Margaret’s scratchy teddy bear sweater complete with pom-poms and primary colors. Sure, there are plenty of those out there, but handcrafted is actually wonderfully popular. If you need any evidence just look at the ever-growing sites of Etsy and ArtFire. My introduction to very cool handcraftedness was a hand knotted freshwater pearl bracelet I bought from a former nurse colleague years ago. Then I came across real soap where the glycerin wasn’t removed and no chemical preservatives- with ingredients like shea butter, olive oil, and goats milk! To...

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We are taking a break from our usual Wednesday blog to enjoy this Halloween!   And on that note….

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Have you caught any of the Made in America reports on ABC news? When it first aired, I was surprised by how little of what we purchase is made here in our country. It certainly opened my eyes to the impact of what I purchase on our economy. (I also set about the house looking at where everything was made! Much like that family featured on the first Made in America segment, my house would be near empty if non-USA made items were taken out!) Since then, I’ve been very conscious of what I am buying and where it came...

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