Product reviews can often make or break the success of any given item, and I can tell you that having excellent baby bib reviews is not only an exceptional compliment they also help other potential customers know how awesome our product is. We could tell you our designer, premium baby bibs are the best on the market but what others say goes a lot further. I know when I am looking at making a purchase on a product I may be contemplating I read customer reviews. What are other people experiencing? What did they love about the item? What did they find disappointing?
So when we receive feedback we take it seriously. We had an international customer who didn't like that brand tags on the back of the bibs weren't always super straight. This allowed me to figure a better way of sewing them on and keeping them straight in the process (if you follow our Instagram you would know the trick is a glue stick!)
A more recent review spoke to a point we occasionally hear when we have done live events- our price. It is often a topic that small businesses get squeamish about- and I can't say we have been an exception. Small businesses, especially a niche business such as Bourgeois Baby, do not do the volume that would allow for a lower price point that big box stores can offer. (On a side note- sometimes even the big box stores can't compete- e.g., Toys R Us). However, our bib prices are not arbitrary; they reflect the high quality of the materials, craftmanship, and ability to withstand years of use. This is something the big box stores can not compete with.
Bourgeois Baby is so happy that our customers love our baby bibs- and we want to hear from you!